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D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter

D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter

D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter Publisher's Description

D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter: The D-Link DWL-G550 High-Powered Wireless Desktop Adapter brings a powerful 802.11g wireless connectivity solution to the desktop PC. With high-powered output, the DWL-G550 is designed to provide increased signal coverage* and a strong wireless connection back to the wireless backbone. Accompanied with an external antenna with an extension cable, place the antenna in a prime location so that optimal signal reception is achieved. For advanced configuration and management, a business-class WLAN Utility provides a Silent Installation feature and saves multiple SSID profiles for seamless transitioning between wireless networks. The DWL-G550 also supports both Personal and Enterprise versions of industry-approved WPA and WPA2 wireless encryption.

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